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Let us create World Peace together

We now have the opportunity to quickly and easily neutralize the stress and tensions that fuel wars and conflicts and that divide our world family in so many ways. We have the opportunity to improve the quality of life for everyone on earth.


We have the opportunity, for the first time in modern history, to create world peace. We do this using a technology from the ancient Vedic tradition of knowledge, a technology of consciousness. This technology comprises the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs, brought to light by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi seventy years ago.


Specifically, we are creating large, permanent meditation groups in India to produce a worldwide effect. This approach is low-cost and easy to implement, it produces immediate results, and it has been abundantly verified in research studies conducted all over the world over the past fifty years.

The Maharishi Effect operates at the deepest level of life — the field of pure consciousness, or Atma, as it is known in the Vedic tradition. This is the unified field of all the laws of nature, as identified by modern mathematical physics. Because this technology of consciousness operates at this deepest level of life, it has proven successful where traditional approaches have not.

  • It is extremely powerful.

  • It is safe and noninvasive.

  • It is nonpolitical.

  • It is easy to create.

  • Its cost is absurdly low, a minute fraction of what the world’s superpowers already spend on defense.

  • It has been field tested worldwide.

  • It is scientifically validated — indeed, it is the only approach to national security and world peace backed by rigorous scientific research.

  • It has a firm scientific foundation, based on the most advanced understandings of modern science.

  • It eliminates the root of conflict and terrorism.

  • It produces immediate results.

  • And its results are holistic, nourishing and harmonizing, dissolving negativity and promoting positivity.​


Remarkable Scientific Research support


This technology has been validated by nearly sixty scientific research studies published in nearly thirty leading scientific and scholarly journals — the Journal of Conflict Resolution, the International Journal of Neuroscience, the Journal of Mind and Behavior, Social Indicators Research, and many more. It has been field tested all over the world, in cultures East and West, and at every scale of society — from cities and states to whole countries and he world as a whole.


And in every case, it has produced striking, unprecedented benefits, including:

  • reduced crime rates

  • reduced sickness rates

  • reduced accident rates

  • reduced suicides

  • reduced drug, alcohol, and tobacco usage

  • reduced war deaths and injuries

  • reduced international terrorism

  • reduced unemployment and inflation


This approach works. In fact, it is the only approach shown to produce such wide-ranging effects — the only approach to peace that has a scientific basis.



The “forever wars” need not last forever. We need not continue to suffer from conflicts and divisions. We need not continue to face threats to human existence. Together, we can create peace and harmony, sustainability and abundance, life in accord with natural law for our world family.

Contact us

Maharishi Ram Raj Trust


14 Palam Marg,

Vasant Vihar

New Delhi– 110057



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